Friday, September 26, 2008


"OMG! It's been a long time since we've last met and you didn't seem to change at all!"

... This is an overused line one usually hears from old friends or ex-classmates during a gathering or something.

The thing is, I disagree with this line a lot. And I certainly don't like it when people automatically assumed the other doesn't change because there aren't any visible changes or they didn't change themselves. Whatever the reasons are, I still disagree.

In my opinion, people do change. It is just the matter of whether it's visible or not.

People who change their outer appearance is obviously visible, may it be 'nerds' who wore make-ups, 'populars' who became more extravagant, or maybe a new hairstyle, whatever.

People who change their personality is semi-visible, like the shy became outgoing. Or the loud became quiet. I'd recently met a friend who was once emo became less emo and more... thoughtful about the future. I also had a friend who was somewhat outgoing became very emo (and bored). But sometimes, the changes in personality are so small that it is only noticed by a few. Nevertheless, it is still a change.

However, there are those whose change are less visible (or less noticed/cared). Knowledge is something we gain everyday, may it be during class/lectures or a bit of pondering and discovery. But people don't show it unless circumstances cause them to flaunt their knowledge.

And also, one's taste. This can be both visible and not so visible, but surely you yourself know if you have a change in taste. I know I have. =P

There may be things I've missed, but feel free to add or correct me.

This thought have been lingering in my mind for days, but I brought it up just today because of a recent meeting with an old friend of mine yesterday. And this friend had implied that I have not change... Or, to be more precise, things that aren't my forte is something I would not try EVER (because she thinks it's so not me) when, in reality, I already have... although it's not something I'd like to admit.

So, the point of this entry is: People do change. I'm not saying I did, but I'm not saying I'm didn't. This is something that only I know myself, and not something that everyone would know because, unlike 90% of teenage/young adult bloggers, I do not broadcast my life to everyone in a blog OR in reality. Or, in a simpler/ruder term: I don't whine and bitch, much. >_>

... But if it makes people feel better thinking I'm still the old me, then so be it. I understand that there are people who are afraid of change that they want to seek an ounce of familiarity, because it brings comfort to their hearts that there is still something that has never change... and because they feel better knowing that they're still in control of things.

Whatever people think about me, I won't care because I know who I am, and I have my own reasons for my actions...

I am who I am, and I am definitely not shaped by people's words.

Because I am not the product of the environment; the environment is the product of me.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


My brother came back from Japan. =3

And, he bought a Yukata for me~ <3

It's white, with some floral patterns! 83

Happy happy happy!! X3

I'm so gonna wear it during my birthday or something! XD

And then, I'll try to post a piccie here. =D