Wednesday, March 19, 2008


What happened during the past week? Well, I had to take up the reins of leadership just to get my group under control. Let's just say, I just couldn't bear to see a group of people sitting in a circle (well, not exactly, but you get my point), trying to figure out who's doing what and end up wasting the whole free hour dawdling.

Maybe I'm just weird, but I usually draw courage and determination from others' fears and fickleness.

But back to the main point: I'd asked if anyone wants to be the leader, they'd go "NUUUUUUU~!" or "DOWAN!!" or "I DUNNO HOW LAAAR~!!".

Sometimes I wonder what's up with students these days. Do they object the role of a leader because they don't want to burden themselves with heavy responsibilities? Or are they afraid of leading? Afraid their peers would jeer at them when they make a mistake as a leader? Afraid to face the teachers? Or is that just what most people call... "teenagers' lackadaisical attitude"? =/

So, the whole week resulted with me being the leader for both Management and Marketing group. (I almost became one for ADA, but I rejected that role. There's just too many to do! >.>')

And being a leader means I have to bug my mates for the sake of handing up their essay parts, pulling my hair in frustration while compiling/editing their work and take my studies seriously so that I can guide some of my clueless groupies. However, I admit shamefully that I'd failed to uphold the last part; I slack for the latest Management readings. As a result, I wasn't prepared for the quiz, and I didn't know what's going on until the day of presentation, when the first two groups presented their materials. x_x'

The stress is building on me.

Japan trip is drawing near. (April 4th)
Have yet to plot on Management assignment. (2 reference books are with me, though)
Started Group Marketing discussion, expect many more to come. (even consulted Ms.Alice about it)
Have to pass up first draft of MCB work through TurnItIn on Saturday. (1000 words!? That's despicable!)
Marketing assignment deadline and marketing quiz tomorrow. (Have not started revising, even)

... I'm really racing against time here. v.v'

List to Write:
1) Killer of Oz*
2) Of Android and Applecots
3) Ashes to Ashes (chapter 4)
4) April Monthly Theme Challenge***

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