Monday, June 9, 2008

Dabliu Tee Eff

Monday was a crappy beginning for me, with a long chain of events happened due to my carelessness.

Starting with not bringing my wallet to college.

... And things that are too embarrassing to be written here. So, I'll leave it to everyone's imagination.

Urgh, yes. Monday soooo crappy that, after lunch with the 1.5 gang, I sought for solace in Main Campus library to print out the latest ADA notes (and recover from the shameful ordeal).

While I was surfing to my heart's content, Keh Kuat came over to my seat and asked, "Hey, did you check your blog?"

My half-dead blog with almost little to zero people who knew of its existence? "Nope."

"Oh," He scratched his head. "Someone commented your entry."

I blinked. "Wha? Really!?"

"Yeah, someone commented in your entry and blogged something-"

"Who was that?" I was pretty excited. "Guy or girl?"

He frowned, struggling to remember. "It's a guy. Jenson or something."

"JENSON!?" That emo-looking dude whom I'd talked with on Thursday; who possesses an un-emo-ish passion for ghost stories, mangas and games; writer of an emo-looking blog; has a wide network of un-emo-looking friends?

"I dunno," He waved his hands in defeat. "Why don't you check it by yourself?"

I did.

And I sms'ed Balqis, heart brimming with excitement.

Yes, that casual conversation on Thursday... It was something that has inadvertently lit my creativity flame, urging me to finish my incomplete stories (both fanfics and original stuff). It was hard to continue my old works when college assignments piled up, with more new ideas born and await for a chance to be released.

Writing is a passion that began when I was standard 4. I used to write a LOT when I was in primary and secondary school, filling useless exercise books with childish, silly stories. And, unlike Jenson, I still have most of them (even the first 'book' I've written!) =P. Most of my friends in school encouraged me to be a writer, often joked that I must give them free copies of my first published book. One of most memorable encouragement was from a primary school friend, who confessed that books are his bane, but claimed (adamantly) that he would read mine (if I'd ever publish a book) even if he has to search every single words in the dictionary. I was sooo honoured!

Writing is in my family's blood: My dad writes movie critics in newspaper, my mum is the head publisher of a Buddhism magazine and my elder brother... is a genius writer/blogger/director. >_>'

... But of course, I'm not as good as my family. My writing skills are limited; there are times I have to resort to drawing just to express my creativity. So, the journey to become a 'word manipulator' and a 'recognized writer' is going to be a long one... ^_^'

Well, thank you for the recognition, Jenson. Let's work hard to achieve our dreams for the future, w00t! =P

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