Tuesday, April 15, 2008

An Amusing yet Okay Start


Trudging back uni/college after spending a week in Japan paradise... How I wish I can feel that 14-16 degrees natural cool air again. But anyway, I didn't come empty-hand, of course; I brought some tidbits (seaweed-covered rice-crackers) to share with my class 1.5 and gifts to bribe for my lecturer and tutor.

Now, the secret about the rice-crackers is: there's wasabi in it. But I, um, inadvertently left out the information. As a result, Balqis almost choked it. Mighty "I love cili padi! This can't beat me!" Zahra took it well... then requested for water later. ShimYi ate it calmly, and later admit that it's quite hot and down it with water. Jun, according to Angeline, exclaimed that there are 'damn many wasabi' in the rice-crackers with his cheeks flushed.

... I think, anyone eat the wasabi-filled rice-cracker without knowing it's filled with wasabi is probably cursing me now. 'XD

Management presentation is horrible because I wasn't prepared or formally dressed (despite Keh Huat's hints), and my group mates seemed to have fell apart: Two didn't do their work and is clueless about the presentation, one's internet went kaput, resulting only TWO people doing the entire slide, or so I've heard. And since I wasn't ready at all... >.>'

All the words I'd said are actually thought up on-the-spot, with help from the slides. I was trying hard to come up with something new because I know I'm not supposed to read the slides during presentation~! x__x'

Alas, it's all over now. Let's hope for the better in the future. v.v'

I gave a souvenir to Ms. Choo (Management tutor), and had a heart-felt talk with her. She was impressed with my brother getting a scholarship to Japan and encouraged me to 'work for it'. Mm, maybe I will. =3

Gave another to Ms. Woo (Accounting lecturer), and put on my best 'innocent yet clueless face' while asking her for guidance. She gave me great tips! X3 ... though I'd probably have to study most of last week's lesson via textbook by myself in order to comprehend what was taught. Shouldn't be a problem, I hope?

Had lunch with Lynn in PEPPERCORN... and bumped onto 2/3 of 1.5 classmates. I'd half-expected them to go "ZOMG YOU GAVE US WASABI! YA WITCH!", but ahh, nothing much happened. 'XD Showed Lynn my NDS, jap doujins and novels I'd bought. w00t!

Returned home... and there was a powercut at 6pm, which lasted for almost an hour. My dad couldn't enter my house coz the gate ain't working, and the key couldn't seem to open the gate.

I guess Monday's is... okay. A mixture of good and bad. 'X3

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