Monday, April 21, 2008


I've started printing block lecture handouts from 8.30am, and I've finished at 10.15am.

Too many people are using the printer, resulting a massive jam. My quota was severely reduced by half because of the constant 'click-print!'... until I click the mini printer on the window task bar and found out that the printer has so many task that mine's lined at the bottom. And soooo, I waited by the computer desk, surfing to my heart's content while waiting for my turn instead of crowding around the printer like most students.

Gave all the Japan sounvenirs to most lecturers and tutors, save Ms. Neliza. Couldn't find her for some reason, and I'd forgotten to bring it on Wednesday. Japan photos are still under the err, uploading process (they're too darn big '=/).

Gosh, there are so many things to write. Starting from my Japan trip, my crappy Marketing presentation on last Wednesday (which I don't feel like writing about it >.>'), the trip to Astro to see my mum judging the singers in the semi-finals (I regret not bringing my camera...), 'The Children of Huang Shi' movie (the story ain't bad; it can be quite touching, but the way they 'beautify' the White and make us Chinese seems heartless is a bit... meh) to today's Management block lecture... Goodness, until 7pm.

I'd probably emerge later as a half-zombie. >.>'

Crap, I feel like writing a story. Again.

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